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Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 169
     Profile contains photos: 61
     In Memory: 68
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 55
     Military Service: 39
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 169    Newest Members: 169    Latest Comments: 142  

Dave Berns   
Dennis Bigos    
Robert Bladek    
Timothy Bogan    
James Cotton    
R. Terry Durant     
John Erickson    
Laymond Ezell    
Jeff Fleck     
Arnie Follendorf     
Ron Foster   
James Gibson    
Rich Hall   
Linda Hart   
Dan Hier    
Rebel Hirsch     
Norm Kane   
Tom Kerestes     
Steve Klauser     
Paul David Levi     
Judy Maas   
Peter Mack    
Ed Maker   
Jim Marzano    
Jim May    
John McMurray    
Ray Miller    
Bill Mooney    
Bob Peele     
Patrick Quinn    
Gail Reed    
Dave Reinbold    
Judy Robey   
John Roop    
Barry Roth    
Ed Roumillat    
Sandy Ryder    
Larry Schmal    
John Shea    
Robert Smith    
John Snider     
Ron Struyf    
Thomas Tassio    
Alan Toy    
Roger Wehling    
Laura Wing   
Alan Zall     

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